Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thinking about "Think"

I am reading John Piper's latest book titled "Think". The premise of the book is that in order to glorify God fully, we must engage BOTH our MIND in knowing Him AND our HEART in loving Him. Not either-or but both-and. Of course, the thought of glorifying God is usually with the heart, but this emotion is empty without knowing about truth and the character of God. Our joy must be awakened and sustained by our knowledge of God and his character. This is what the mind is for.

I have been made aware of how these go together! It is easy to fall into either trap. The first one is for intellectuals who spend all their spiritual energy into knowing God's Word - all the theology and details, memorizing verses, knowing the stories, names, and history by heart. They neglect falling on their knees to worship and pray to God and making their knowledge personal. The second trap is for the emotional basket cases who spend all their spiritual energy in crying out to God and worshiping Him through their feelings. They miss out on knowing God. Both-and not either-or.

John Piper says "Our thinking should be wholly engaged to do all it can to awaken and express the heartfelt fullness of treasuring God above all things. We cannot love God without knowing Him."

I am learning (and probably always will be) that faith has nothing to do with me. It is ALL about Him.  Join me in asking yourself, "Do I see God as supremely valuable? OR do I just receive Him as a sin-forgiver (because I love being guilt-free) and as a rescuer from hell (because I love being pain-free) and as a healer (because I love being disease-free) and as a protector (because I love being safe) and as a prosperity-giver (because I love being wealthy) and as a creator (because I want a personal universe)? This is challenging, because if I really claim to believe in Him, my faith will not be about what God can do for me, but about what I can do for him. That is, I should like Paul in Philippians 3:8 by "considering everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord." I can only do this by KNOWING Him and I can only know Him by using my MIND to THINK and read and study and memorize His Word. Lets receive Him instead as "more glorious, more beautiful, more wonderful, and more satisfying than anything else in all the world."

Am I living this way? Am I pursuing God with all of my MIND and all of my HEART? Which one needs more work? Join me in committing to KNOW HIM MORE so that we can better love Him, worship Him, and ultimately glorify Him. 

This book can be found online at Desiring God

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