Monday, October 10, 2011

The Pressures of Deadlines

Lately I have been feeling the pressure of deadlines! It is wearing me out! By the nature of being a student, I should be used to deadlines, but good grief...they have come like the plagues.

On top of everything else going on, the biggest burden has been thinking about my 4th year rotations. While this is potentially exciting, I am thinking, already?! They start in 7 months and end in 1 year and 7 months. We have already had meetings about these at school and have deadlines quickly approaching. How am I supposed to know what rotations I want, when I want them, and who I want them with! Even if I did know, the match process is a somewhat organized randomization so I probably who know if I would even get what I ask for. Whew! It is a lot to think about. In addition, I want my schedule to line up with Cole's, but unfortunately, he doesn't go through this process until the Spring. How is this possible?!

I want to enjoy this season that we are in instead of constantly being pressed to plan towards the future. In today's culture we are pushed to plan, plan, plan. The world tells us that we must have everything seemingly together. We are required to be efficient. Everything needs to be done immediately or by a deadline. Our desires need to be satisfied here and now. Even though I know these are lies, unfortunately I am guilty of falling prey to this pattern of life all the time. I think I know best and if I plan appropriately, I will have everything under control. The Lord reminds me frequently that I don't, and that it is He who determines my steps.

When I get overwhelmed, I often want to throw it all aside and say "I'm tired of this." Given my knowledge and responsibilities, I know this isn't wise, and often find myself struggling to find the balance between planning it all and relinquishing it all.

I have come to the conclusion that life demands us to plan, but plan prayerfully with a heart more set on His priorities than with our own. I must be willing to be flexible in my schedule and seek to see His purposes even when I don't understand them. The true perfect week/schedule/deadlines are those that most perfectly match God's plan for my life. I also realize that I can't get everything done on my own. N.O. possible way. I must trust Him to orchestrate the details of my life. He delights in that!! We just have to give Him control. I am so thankful that the Lord has greater things in mind for me than I can even imagine for myself (John 14:12). I want to be open to His leading upon my life. What freedom there is in that!

These are a few funny pictures that aptly depict my life these past 2 weeks...
I will take refuge in hope in Psalm 58:19- 
"Praise be the the Lord, to God our Savior, 
who daily bears our burdens."

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