Thursday, June 14, 2012

A "Small Dose" of Irony

I normally wouldn't consider my family pet-lovers. We didn't have many pets growing up and having 3 young kids running around was probably enough for my parents to think they lived at a zoo anyway! Those of you who know me well, know that I am too selfish to even own a dog right now.

....but my mom is threatening to open a petting zoo after this week...
Our MaltiPoo, Belle
Our Country Club ducks, as Mom likes to call them. They like to sunbathe, groom, and take  dips in the pool.

The other ducks live appropriately on the lakes..

As if ducks weren't enough to roam around the yards and lakes, this year William decided to raise some turkeys. They are currently caged in the backyard. We also have a yellow lab, Scout...but I can't find a photo of him to share.

Not to mention the alpacas at the farm...
Blue Blood Alpacas
 And the latest addition, this stranded fawn my brother found. I guess someone has to take care of him!

Welcome to the zoo I call home!


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